If you are looking for a book to help a parent or grandparent you love make the most of handing down confident faith, consider this book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith.
If you are looking for a book to help a parent or grandparent you love make the most of handing down confident faith, consider this book - The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith.
It is easy, far too easy, to label others. We label some children as "good" and others as . . . "not so good", "naughty", or even, "bad". We label some volunteers as "amazing" and others as . . . "difficult", challenging" - basically "not so amazing". We label some parents and grandparents as "great" and others as . . . "difficult", or "not so great". We label some church leaders as ones who "get it" and others as . . . "ones who don't". Whenever we use "labels" in any way, we are "blowing" our Children's Ministry. Consider the following . . .
As we continue to look at resources which are available for us to use to pass on a heritage of confident faith to the children we love, I am delighted to share with you three books which will guide grandparents - and parents, too - in praying every day for the children they love! In the interests of transparency, I wrote these books.
Of course we all are quick to agree manipulating others is wrong, but how often do we actually do this? Far more often than we might want to admit, but whenever we manipulate others we are absolutely "blowing" our Children's Ministry. So, how and when might we manipulate others? Consider the following . . .
Yes, one of these three animals actually smells like popcorn! Share the photo with your family and see if they are able to answer the question.
While there are many important things for us to do as grandmas (grandpas/parents, too), the most important thing is for us to hand down confident faith. Yes, we absolutely must teach the ones we love the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe, but if we want them to have a confident faith, we must also teach them the "whys" - why they are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science go together, and God is good.
Consider the following . . .
I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with your families. As you go through today remember; "Even when Christmas is over the Light of the World is still here!" This song is beautiful and you will find it at this link.
We know we (parents/ grandparents/church) must teach the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe, but just as important as it is to do this, it is equally as important to teach the "whys" - why we are able to believe God is real, the Bible is true, God and science DO go together, and God is good. If we do not teach the "whys" we run the very real risk the young people we love will turn away from their faith - as Barna's studies show this is actually happening.
Another favorite Christmas Carol is the Little Drummer Boy - and Pentatonix sings it at this link. I thought you might enjoy some history about this well-known song. "Before it became world famous as the 'Little Drummer Boy,' the song was originally titled 'Carol of the Drums' because of the repeating line 'pa rum pum pum pum,' which imitates the sound of a drum.
Over the many, many years where churches have had intentional Children's Ministries, we have done a good job when it comes to teaching the "whats" - what the Bible says and therefore what we believe. But for some reason we never focused on teaching the "whys" - why we are able to believe what we believe. While we absolutely must teach the "whats" we also must teach the "whys" - when we do not, we end up with the results we are seeing in families throughout our churches - where young people are turning away from their faith and many of them are turning to atheism (as Barna's research shows), and growing numbers of people are saying they do not believe the Bible is true (as Gallup's research shows.) If we are going to stop these trends, we must start teaching the "whys" with as much intentionality as we show when we teach the "whats".
As we continue to think about things we do - or do not do - which result in us "blowing" our ministry, this one is a big thing . . . even though it is about the little things.
As we continue to look at ways "we can keep from 'blowing' our Children's Ministry" today let's think about, "Being Negative".When a couple always points out the other's weaknesses, their marriage has taken a turn to the negative. In Children's Ministry we too, tend to take a turn to the negative when we are critical of families, volunteers, and other ministries in the community. This is definitely a way to "blow" our Children's Ministry. So, to keep your ministry from being negative, consider the following . . .
With Christmas just eleven days away, we have been busy selecting gifts for the ones we love - and if you are like me, looking for the best buys. If you are looking for something which you could give to your family to help them all grow in their walk with God, consider Generations Quest! For just $10 you will receive an entire year of Bible readings, questions to get your family talking, and activities to help you all understand the Bible and grow in your walk with God. Talk about a great buy!
The past few years have brought blessings into our lives for sure, but with covid, many have experienced loss as well, whether it was the loss of someone they love, the loss of being able to spend time with the ones we love, the loss of a job, the loss of fellowship with others, the loss of our confidence, to mention just a few. Some of us have also experienced loss which was not related to covid as loss is a normal part of our lives.
I did not think it was possible to love the song - Carol of the Bells more than I do, but listening to Pentatonix sing it I realized I now love it even more! You will find it at this link.
So far this month I have been sharing with you books and resources which you are able to add to your own "tool kit" of books/ resources which will equip and empower you to hand down confident faith and also make wonderful Christmas gifts which make a difference.
While I picture Charlie Brown when I hear this song, I love how Michael W Smith and Vince Gill combined their considerable talents to present Christmas Time is Here - you will find it at this link.
I'm posting the lyrics in case you would like to sing along . . .
Please read, take to heart what it is like for grandparents, make
decisions in your church to support and help grandparents, and share with the grandparents in your ministry.
Have you ordered your Life on the Goldilocks Planet series of books - they make fantastic Christmas gifts for the children you love ages four to fourteen - especially if you add some of the supplies they will need for the science projects, crafts, recipes, and games in the books - but today I want to let you know my special Christmas offer, if you buy a print copy of any of the books and then email me at lyndagcj@gmail.com to tell me which book you bought, I will email you a pdf digital copy of the same book for free!
I live in Michigan and Sunday morning it was beginning to look like Christmas (at least from my childhood) as it was snowing. It was so pretty. Today it looks more like Christmas from the last few years (no snow on the ground and the forecast says to expect warm - 40's - weather.) So, regardless of what it looks like outside, my song for today makes me smile - I hope it will bring a smile to your face as well . . .
"The DNA of Grandparents & Parents Who Hand Down Confident Faith" has a new cover and updated content as well! Look what Tim Kimmel (Family Matters) and Dr. Scott Turansky (National Center for Biblical Parenting) have to say about it -
We are all familiar with how there was no place for Jesus to be born - most of us think there was no room in the inn, but it is very, very possible the place where there really was no room was in Joseph's family's home. They knew Mary was pregnant without first being married and may not have wanted her in their home - leaving just the stable for her and Joseph to find shelter when Jesus was born.
I'm very happy to share this Christmas song with you today . . . I Heard the Bells is a beautiful song with a wonderful history and message! Feel free to "pass it on" and share it with the people you know, too . . . a type of "social-media-caroling"!
We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He commanded our ancestors to teach their children, so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds, but would keep his commands. Psalm 78:4, 6, 7